very lon6 nv really write my blo6 le... 4mmm
i tink coz 6ot nuttin muc4 to write abt..... de stuff i'm tinkin of...is only meant for me...kekee...dunno if s4ould be 4appie or wad..... 4mmmm......
i'm feelin kinda 4appier and sad at de same time t4ese days... keke... kinda like de confused period..... well..4opfully can 6o dere n clear my mind abit...keke...
I will miss everyone 4ere!!! sniff...... so 4appie lor....tml 6ot ppl come send us off... :D kekee
and my comp 6et to rest for a few days...it muz be really 6lad dat i'm 6oin away...lol
4opefully if i dun use it...de keys will auto fix itself...keke
JoKE to entertiain W4o eva reads dis~~~~~ :
With all the new fertility technology , a 66 year old woman was recently able to give
birth to a baby. When she was discharged from the hospital and went home, her relatives
came to visit.
"May we see the new baby?" one asked.
"Not yet," said the mother, who decided to have a little of her own fun with the
relatives. "I'll make coffee and we can visit for awhile first."
Thirty minutes had passed, and another relative asked, "May we see the new baby now?"
"No, not yet," said the mother.
After a few minutes had elapsed, they asked again, "May we see the baby now?"
"No, not yet," replied the mother.
Growing very impatient, they asked, "Well, when can we see the baby?"
"When it cries!" she told them.
"When it cries??" they demanded. "Why do we have to wait until it CRIES?"
"Because I forgot where I put it..."

feelin kinda down todae..... well...last nite slept only for half an hour~~~ den todae went out de whole day...my eyes felt tired...but my brain still awake..lol..
Dis mornin took drivin test.....sux....din noe how to do...but luckily 6ot other ppl's ans on it..lol..i'm so bad....
so 4appie!!! DEar help me check my results without me askin!!!!!! felt so nice!! den he calle me somemore!! and 6uEss wad?????? i PASSSs!!!!!!!!! Yay!! om6..now hope SIM accepts me......
om6...6ot interview !! den 6ot cameras!! om6!! scared lor!!! i dunno 4ow to ans de questions..scared i screw up...and stammer....and yay!!!! we 6ot de colors award!! om6!!!!!! so 4appie!!!!!!

4ere 6oes nuttin!!
I MISS U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! om6!!!! YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy........................wanna spend more time wif u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! y u dun tok to me in msn!!!!! EVerytime waitin only.......... i wanna tok to u!!!!!!!!!! ARRRRRrrrrrrrrr!!!!!
ok...enuff for todae..lol...no one s4all see dis ms6..... *Censored**

he is very sweet iin his own way.... althou i was wron6...and we were both unhappy....he'll still try to make me happy... bot me Chocolates to cheer me up... =)
dere are other stuff too dat he does dat are really heart warmin... but.. wen thin6s become okay...he'll out of de sudden lose confindence in himself a6ain... den it leads to zi bi... which will affect me too...lol.. sadz huh....
my heart aches seein u sick like dat...cou6hin lots..sniffin lots too..but cant seem to do anytin bout it...
i really dunno wads 6otten to me.. somehow i will try to become like de person i love.. Which is bad in some ways... its like...since u cana do it...y cant i... well.. firstly i will always be waitinfor him to ask me out or at leaaast say he wanna see me...dats y i nv eva confirm my outins wif my frens...coz if dat one fone call comes...i'll immidiately cancle my fren..dats really bad ya...but of coz..if its oredi confirmed...den no choice la.. well... i rem deres dis phrase.. "Find sometin6 to do la!" dats wen i wanted to meet him and he doesnt seem to understand... he really doesnt understand wad i wan and wad i like....its always dis "kns la" "i am not Blah Blah" "no, u dun like it"
yeap...but seriously..wad eva i said..i meant it..
now i'm in a state of lost and loneliness...... its like u have so many ppl ard u..but still feel lonely.... and de person u wan ard is nv ard.... haiz.... dunno wad to do.....
my life stinks aniwae..*u are de only one who makes it better...but wen stuff between us 6oes bad...my life crumbles down once more*
watchin6 kate and leoplod...romantic movie....sniff...if only fairy tales do come true... well..i 6uess it only happens in movies....
Beat around the bush
Jump to conclusions
Climb the walls
Wade through the morning paper.
Drag my heels
Push my luck
Make mountains out of mole hills
Hit the nail on the head.
Bend over backwards
Jump on the band wagon
Run around in circles.
Toot my own horn
Pull out all the stops
Add fuel to the fire
Open a can of worms
Put my foot in my mouth
Start the ball rolling
Go over the edge.
Pick up the pieces.
Kneel in prayer
Bow my head in thanksgiving
Uplift my hands in praise
Hug someone and encourage them.
What a Workout!
Rest At Last.
haiz....but..noadays my mom keeps Scoldin me for alot of reasons...small and bi6 and sometimes senseless reasons....i keep quiet...until cannot take it le..den we both will scream at each other...den somemore..after i tot i seek some comfort from him..he also scolds me...dun really like de tone hE uses...i hAte it!! i dun always tell him wad hAppen...coz..sometimes wen he tries to comfort me..will in turn hAf de irritated tone...den i wuldnt wanna say more...so i rather not say anyThin...and let his playful self cheer me up...well..sometimes i smile but can be really sad inside...lol....only my close frens can tell... =x
sometimes i dunno w4ether i'm jealous or envious of his frens... dey 6et to spend lots of happy time wif him...lol...
sometimes also envious of those couples.. dey will spend every second of their time to6ether...even if its for 15mins..really like dat kinda feelin..may sound kinda posesive or wad ba...but i like it..maybe if i didn't love de person as much.i wouldnt wanna meet de person alot...lol..stupid tinkin rite? lol *slaps bunny 100000 times*
ARRRRR!!! Yyyyyyyyy!!!! Y do i love him so Much!!! ARRRR!!!!! kick me pls!!
aniwaes..YEst wen to watch viortosuo...no bad! saw Cyn Perform worr!! Very prettY!! keke..but knew she was pretty from de start...keke..muz thnk my dear jac!! Xi Shen her slp to 6o wif me...keep me accompany.. quite fun!! keke...
den yest juz saw de neo print... it may be not4in but.....it really meant alot... 4eart sudden felt den sudden drop...worse den ridin a roller coaster... and it really 4urt too... dunno y... wel.. maybe dis is it... first i saw dat 4e put 4is arms ard 4er...den its juz de 2 of dem... and finally...it was de day b4 valentines... dat was de worst part... well.. i really wanna believe 4im... 4e said dat 4e BUmped into 4er at PS... den i was wonderin...4ow come if bumped into 4er...den 4er frens lei? den 4ow come can take neo print? somemore PS 6ot no mac4ine...i tink... but still...ARRRR!! i noe i very xiao qi..but still! i cant stand my bf touc4in ot4er 6als..
my tots at dat time was...coz on vday need to celebrate wif 6f...so no c4oice but to celebrate it de day b4... ARRR!!!!! i'm so sorry... my brain's been fried... but really cant 4elp it...wif my pass experience...i really will 4u xi luan xian6 wan... especially after dat time 4e lied to me... i really really trusted 4im so muc4... now i still wanna trust 4im..... but s4ould i put ALL my trust in? 4aiz... seriously...i wan to....
maybe......i would.... 90%
REally love dis one alot...juz 4ope de 4urtin wun take over de love....
now its been really 6reat! bummpy but 6reat!
now cant see 4im so often le..maybe once a week? once a mont4? 4e'll be bz wif final yr proj... den i maybe startin sc4ool..or workin... wun be seein eac4 ot4er le...nite time would be 6ood..but 4e may not wan to... dunno y sometimes 4e seem like 4e muz rus4 4ome b4 dinner...dis sux.... y muz life be so complicated....
4ope maybe 4e can come find me after 4is stuff... lolz.....
sianz ar... dis 4oliday so bored.... dear jace no time for me.... zzzzzz.....
todae supposed to meet 4er 6o sc4ool to6et4er..but s4e needs to 6o icpas... sniff.. den now rottin at 4ome... keke... maple!! o2JAm!! keep me company ba!! =p